Status of Women Action Group

We are a group committed to taking action and becoming involved while having an enjoyable time as we move toward our goals.

Purpose:  The Status of Women Action Group addresses a wide range of women’s empowerment issues, including their economic and mental and physical health, working in collaboration with other community organizations. The group is now partnering with the Social Justice Group on activities and programs.

Current activities:  The Status of Women Committee focuses on supporting agencies that serve women’s physical and financial health and family planning. The Annual Mental, Physical and Economic Equity Expo was put on hold for the last 2 years due to the Coronavirus. If it is safe, we will have one in 2022. The event is on Fountain Square and attracts over twenty non-profit organizations that support women’s mental, physical, and economic health.

Members of the committee (as well as other WCC members) participate in the local CEDAW collaborative, the international Conference to Eliminate Discrimination Against Women.

The committee also sponsors an informal book club for members that meets monthly, usually the third Saturday of the month, 10 am, at a member’s home. We discuss a book of common interest: on topics such as feminism, women’s rights, human rights and policy and political challenges. Non-fiction dominates, but a novel is occasionally the best way to understand an issue. Meetings and selections are announced in the Bulletin and weekly Updates.

What committee members do: 

  • Collaborates with the Social Justice Action Committee on programs and education.
  • Plan the annual Expo with the SJAC(Social Justice Action Committee ), including soliciting organizations to participate and identifying speakers and entertainment.
  • Book Club: Choose books to read and publicize meeting dates to the membership.
  • Monitor women’s equity issues.

How to become involved:

    • All members are welcome. Contact Susan Noonan. We are looking for new members to take over this role!
    • Book Club:  RSVP to an announced meeting and show up (!) and/or contact Sarah Gideonse, coordinator


  • Supported the Off the Streets program in collaboration with Anna Louise Inn, Cincinnati Union Bethel, and the Freedom Center National Underground Railroad Museum. The program was developed by the Cincinnati Police Department that partnered with CUB to offer prostitutes a haven and chance of a better lifestyle. WCC presented a forum about the program.
  • Worked with the public awareness committee of the End Slavery Now to help abolish human trafficking. In January 2015, presented an educational forum on human trafficking. Some members stay involve with the End Slavery Coalition.
  • Have held four annual Women’s Economic, Mental and Physical Health and Equity Expo on Fountain Square. These events include entertainment and informative talks. Representatives from more than twenty organizations staff tables to answer questions about their services, distribute information pamphlets and fliers and network with each other.
  • As members of CEDAW, successfully passed an ordinance that included: the $8,000 funding from city, creation of a task force, a gender analysis study, and recommendations from the task force on actions needed, as well as a time frame and annual progress reviews. Since the passage, Councilmember Kearney has requested a separate office in City Hall for gender equity. The CHRC will be the place it lands.