As we begin our second century, we welcome new members
to come and make history with us.
Join or Renew Now
Become a Member:
Membership is open to women and men who are in support of our mission. The club will offer you a voice in what matters to you, and your voice will strengthen ours as we work together to make our city a more just and sustainable community.
Benefits of Membership
- Opportunity to participate with kindred spirits in a dynamic civic organization working collaboratively to make Greater Cincinnati a more just and livable community (See below about how to become involved.)
- Opportunity to attend and participate in member-only activities and events, like our book club, Sunday salons, field trips, and other events
- First notification of events and other activities sponsored by WCC and collaborating organizations
- The Bulletin, our online newsletter, published bi-monthly from September to June
- Mailings and invitations to special annual events: National Speaker Forum, Seasongood Luncheon, Feist-Tea celebration, and the annual membership meeting.
- Inclusion in Membership Directory
Dues Schedule
Supporter membership ……………………………………………………………………………………………………$55
Household membership …………………………………………………………………………………….....…......... $75
Feisty membership ………………………………………………………………………………………….....................$150
Engaged .......................................................................................................................................................... $300
Lifetime membership…………………………………………………………………………………………............. $1,000
Pay what you can …………………………………………………………………………………………........... Adjustable
Click to Join Online Now!
Woman’s City Club offers a variety of opportunities for member involvement. As a strictly volunteer organization, we encourage our members to participate in Club activities consistent with their levels of interest and availability. Every member is important to us. There are no requirements. You may choose to contribute financially to the club to demonstrate your support of our mission and our work.
Opportunities for member involvement
Public Forums, held several times a year, are designed to raise community awareness and encourage debate on current issues that impact our lives. Check event/calendar for forum listings.
Annual National Speaker Forum, held in March or April , offers the greater Cincinnati community an opportunity to hear a nationally known woman speaker.
Annual Agnes Seasongood Luncheon, held in May, showcases a local woman leader who is a leader in her field and several senior high school women who have won education awards on the basis of an essay and school recommendations.
Feist-Tea is an annual fun event held in December that honors "feisty" members who have contributed greatly to the work of the Club as well as to the community.
Special member events, as announced in the Update and other emailed invitations.
JOIN A COMMITTEE! Contact information for the committee chairs can be found in the Member Directory.
In addition to becoming part of a working Action Group, members are urged to become involved in planning public forums and special events, as well as events sponsored by the Action Groups. WCC also offers committee work to recruit and retain members (Membership Committee) as well as to help prepare multiple communications (Bulletin, website, social media, publicity, etc.) on the Communications Committee.
ACTION GROUPS — WCC implements Civic Engagement projects through its action groups (see below) and its collaborative efforts. The focus of each action group evolves in response to changing needs. Read more …
An informal book club meets most months, usually the third Saturday at 10 pm, to discuss a book of common interest to WCC members, non-fiction but also fiction. Meetings and selections are announced in the Bulletin and weekly updates and members may join the discussion as their schedules and interests permit.. Contact Sarah Gideonse for more information and to request a zoom link to the meeting.
ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION GROUP works on projects that green the urban environment and elevate eco-awareness. Read more ... For more information and to join, contact the chair Jeanne
EDUCATION ACTION GROUP supports city public school children’s achievement and helps ensure children at risk have a fighting chance of making a success of their lives. The main project has been supporting a tutoring program for kindergartners in inner city schools in literacy skills. EAG also deliberates on state and local policy issues and proposed legislation and school levies and makes recommendations to the board for action. Read more … For more information and to join the committee, contact chair Sarah Gideonse.
SOCIAL JUSTICE ACTION GROUP (incorporating THRIVING CINCINNATI) addresses inequities due to systemic poverty, racism, and classism. CLICK HERE to learn more. To join, contact David Siders.
PROGRAM COMMITTEE: This committee plans public forums, which are held several times through the year to educate the public about issues concerning the community. The committee selects topics, speakers and format, identifies venues and actively promotes each forum in the community. Read more … Contact Janet Buening ( chair, for more information and to join.
NATIONAL SPEAKER’S FORUM COMMITTEE meets monthly throughout the year to plan the annual National Speaker event in April. Read more … To learn more and to join, contact Beth Sullebarger, chair.
SEASONGOOD LUNCHEON COMMITTEE plans the annual spring Agnes B. Seasongood Luncheon that features a woman leader who is often the first in her field locally. Several graduating high school young women receive Education Awards. Read more... To join, contact the co-chairs SusanNoonan and Sharon McCreary.
FEIST-TEA COMMITTEE — The committee produces the annual Feist-Tea, an enjoyable winter event when we gather for an elegant tea to honor three or four of our most feisty members and a community member whom we hold up as examples to emulate as we work toward fulfilling our purpose as a club. The event raises funds for the Education Awards, whose purpose is to encourage responsible civic awareness in graduating high school women who write an essay worthy of recognition. To join, contact Laurie Frank, chair. Read more …
COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE works to ensure effective internal and external communications about Woman’s City Club activities, enhance the Club’s profile in Greater Cincinnati, and provide a public platform for the civic voice. It connect members and friends in the community through its website, monthly Bulletins, weekly Updates, social media, flyers, and press releases. For more information and to join, contact chair Jeff Dey.
FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. To join, contact Marcia Togneri, chair.
HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE greets guests and organizes food and beverages for in-person WCC forums and other gatherings. To join, contact Sharon McCreary, chair.
MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE is responsible for recruiting, engaging and retaining new members. Read more … For more information and to join, contact Nina Lewis, chair.