Woman’s City Club Second Century Fund

As we move into our second century, Woman’s City Club of Greater Cincinnati has initiated an Endowment Fund designed to grow and maintain funding for our club into the future. This Board Designated Endowment fund is seeded with the appreciated proceeds of an historic gift of $30,000 originally referred to as the Seasongood Fund. We will continue to grow the Fund through planned giving, bequests, grants, donations and investment proceeds.
WCC is are soliciting donations, planned giving, bequests and IRA contribution rollovers to build this fund. Contributions in this fund are held under our club’s normal banking and investment policies. Woman’s City Club may use up to 5% of the fund annually by board vote toward operating expenses. This maintains the principal to ensure the club’s stability and longevity into the future.
For information about gifts to the Woman’s City Club Endowment Fund, contact WCC treasurer Rina Saperstein.