JOIN A COMMITTEE! Contact information for the committee chairs can be found in the Member Directory or by calling the WCC office at 513-751-0100 or emailing wcc@womanscityclub.org.
WCC offers a smorgasbord of opportunities to engage in the work of the club and to connect with other members and other civic organization with which we partner. In addition to becoming part of a working Action Group, members are welcome to become involved in planning public forums and other events, as well as events sponsored by the Action Groups. WCC also offers committee work to recruit and retain members (Membership Committee) as well as to help prepare multiple communications (Bulletin, website, social media, publicity, etc.) (Communications Committee).
ACTION GROUPS -- WCC implements Civic Engagement projects through its action groups (see below) and its collaborative efforts. The focus of each action group evolves in response to changing needs. Read more ...
An informal book club meets via Zoom most months, usually the third Saturday at 10 am, to discuss a book of common interest to WCC members, non-fiction and, occasionally, fiction. Meetings and selections are announced in the Bulletin and weekly updates. Members may join monthly discussion depending on their availability and interest. Contact Sarah Gideonse for more information and to join.
ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION GROUP works on projects that green the urban environment and elevate eco-awareness. Read more ... For more information and to join, contact the chair Jeanne Nightingale
EDUCATION ACTION GROUP (EAG) supports city public schools' children’s achievement and works to ensure children at risk have a fighting chance of making a success of their lives. Other projects are supporting school levies and examining read more ...https://womanscityclub.org/civic-engagement/catalyst-for-achievement-action-group/ To join the committee, contact chair Sarah Gideonse.
SOCIAL JUSTICE ACTION GROUP addresses inequities due systemic poverty and inequality, racism, and sexism. To join, contact David Siders. Read more:
PROGRAM COMMITTEE: This committee plans public forums that are held several times through the year to educate the public about issues concerning the community. The committee selects topics, speakers, and format; identifies venues and actively promotes each forum in the community. Read more ... Contact Anne Buening, chair, for more information and to join.
NATIONAL SPEAKER'S FORUM COMMITTEE meets monthly throughout the year to plan the annual National Speaker event in April. Read more ... To learn more and to join, contact Beth Sullebarger
SEASONGOOD LUNCHEON COMMITTEE plans the annual spring Agnes B. Seasongood Luncheon that features a woman leader in the Cincinnati are, who, most years, represents the first in her field locally. Several graduating high school young women receive Education Awards. Read more... To join, contact the chair Susan Noonan
FEIST TEA -- The committee produces the annual Feist-Tea, a winter fun event when we gather for an elegant tea to honor three or four of our most feisty members and a feisty community member, whom we hold up as examples to emulate as we work toward fulfilling our purpose as a club. The event raises funds for the Education Awards, whose purpose is to encourage responsible civic awareness in graduating high school women who write an essay worthy of recognition. To join, contact chair Laurie Frank Read more ...
MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE is responsible for recruiting, engaging and retaining new members. Read more ... For more information and to join, the committee, contact Nina E. Lewis
COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE works to ensure effective internal and external communications about Woman’s City Club activities, enhance the Club’s profile in Greater Cincinnati, and provide a public platform for the civic voice. It connects members and friends in the community through its website, monthly Bulletins, weekly Updates, social media, flyers and press releases. For more information and to join, contact Jeff Dey.
Education Action Group Committee Sarah Gideonse (Chair) Steering committee: Harriet KaufmanEnvironmental Action Group Jeanne Nightingale (Chair) Pinky Kocoshis Hera Reines Beth SullebargerSocial Justice Action Committee David Siders, chair Jo-Ann Huff Albers Marianna Bettman Jeff Dey Sarah Gideonse Harriet Kaufman Susan Noonan Jan Seymour Sue WilkeBOOK CLUB: Sarah GideonseEVENT PLANNING COMMITTEESNational Speaker Committee Beth Sullebarger( chair) Candie Simmons Jane Anderson Janet Buening Marge Davis Carole Donnelly Sarah Gideonse Barbara Myers Edna Keown Jeanne Nightingale Susan Noonan Jeanette Rost Alice Schneider Mary Wells Kay Smith YountProgram Committee Anne Buening, VP Programs, Chair Dot Christensen Marge Davis Sarah Gideonse Amy Katzman Jeanne Nightingale Susan Noonan Jan Seymour David Siders Beth Sullebarger |
Feist-Tea Committee Laurie Frank. Chair Jo-Ann Huff Albers Christy Backley Marge Davis Jeff Dey Sharon McCreary Susan NoonanSeasongood Luncheon Committee Susan Noonan. Chair Sharon McCreary – Chair, Education Awards Jules Chalet Marge Davis Carol Donnelly Sarah Gideonse Erika Jay Edna Keown Alice Schneider Susan Shellenberger Aurelia Candie SimmonsADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEESMembership Committee Nina E. Lewis, VP Membership (chair) Cathy Bailey Anne Buening Jeff Dey Sarah Gideonse Beth Sullebarger Marcia TogneriCommunications Committee Jeff Dey (Chair) Jo-Ann Huff Albers Christy Backley Sarah Gideonse Susan Noonan Alice Schneider Beth Sullebarger Donna TukelFinance & Development Committee Marsha Togneri, Treasurer Janet Buening Michelle Dillingham Carole Donnelly Susan Noonan Jeanette Rost Rina Saperstein Alice Schneider Beth SullebargerNominating Committee 2024-2025