
Committed to a strong and diverse civic sector, WCC promotes civic literacy through  public forums and other events. It models the democratic process through courageous dialogue and debate.

Public Forums, held several times a year, are designed to raise community awareness and encourage debate and action on current issues that impact our lives.
Annual National Speaker Forum, held in March or April, offers the greater Cincinnati community an opportunity to hear a nationally known woman speaker. Read more...
Annual Agnes Seasongood Luncheon held in May showcases a local woman leader who is a pioneer in her field. It also is the occasion for honoring several senior women who submitted outstanding essays and teacher/counselor recommendations.  Read more...
Feist-Tea is an annual  event, held in December, that honors "feisty" members who have contributed greatly to the work of the Club's as well as the the community.  Read more...

Member events through out the year: Sunday salons, field trips and tours, and the monthly book club.  _______________________________________________________________________